5 Ways To Stay Calm When Getting Terrible News
These 5 actions will help you keep your wits about you and maintain self-control in stressful moments.
Are You Using Happiness as a Weapon?
Find out if you’ve weaponized happiness to an external measure of success.
No, My Husband Isn’t My Rock. And Yours Shouldn’t Be, Either.
Describing your partner as your “rock” isn’t healthy. Here’s a better way to think about marriage.
3 Signs You’re In Desperate Need of A Change
If you find yourself in one of these three situations, it’s a red flag that change would be good for you.
My Husband Said This ONE Thing, and it Ended 90% of the Fights In Our Marriage
After my husband and I had a fight, this one brilliant realization helped us fight less forever.
The #1 Reason Closure Is a Lie
Three reasons why “closure” doesn’t help you move on from hurt.
Finding the Calm in the Chaos
These strategies will help you handle overwhelm and stress, so you keep your cool and make smart decisions.